
I’m looking for a way to get the direction the user’s camera direction is facing so that I can help out a visually impaired friend of mine. He loses his direction quite a bit and I want to make a large compass type object that changes with the direction that the camera direction is facing that he can see clearly.

Anyone have any ideas on if this is possible with the current API implementation? I’m looking through using the Mumble Link API, but I’m not sure if it is able to work independently between the camera and the character facing direction.

The Mumble Link API has this:
// Left handed coordinate system.
// X positive towards “right”.
// Y positive towards “up”.
// Z positive towards “front”.
// 1 unit = 1 meter

// Unit vector pointing out of the avatars eyes (here Front looks into scene).
lm→fAvatarFront0 = 0.0f;
lm→fAvatarFront1 = 0.0f;
lm→fAvatarFront2 = 1.0f;

// Unit vector pointing out of the top of the avatars head (here Top looks straight up).
lm→fAvatarTop0 = 0.0f;
lm→fAvatarTop1 = 1.0f;
lm→fAvatarTop2 = 0.0f;

// Position of the avatar (here standing slightly off the origin)
lm→fAvatarPosition0 += 0.001f;
lm→fAvatarPosition1 = 0.0f;
lm→fAvatarPosition2 = 0.5f;

// Same as avatar but for the camera.
lm→fCameraPosition0 = 0.0f;
lm→fCameraPosition1 = 0.0f;
lm→fCameraPosition2 = 0.0f;

So it seems like it has the capability to be independent between character direction and camera direction. But, I’m not sure how GW2 has implemented the plugin.


You might want to have look at these threads:


Awesome, thanks!