Possible map_floor API bug?
I have been trying to get the WP / landmark data from mists which I believe is continent 2, floor 1.
However, if I enter…
I also get all other floor data for points_of_interest. Is this correct or should it just return the floor I requested?
This is just fine, the floordata returns everything (well, not everything yet) what can be found on the specified floor – when you look for the data on a specific map, you’ll need to dig through the floors you find in https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/continents.json
My whole point of asking is, if it returns ALL floors, why do we need to specify “floor=X”?
Floor 1 has basically all floor data so that you can build a full world map i guess.
Cliff Spradlin.3512:
It’s up to the level designers to decide how to organize this data.
Note that in Tyria for example, all waypoints, etc. exist on all 3 floors in-game, even though the waypoint itself is on just one floor. This is so that you can always see waypoints.
This is reflected in the map_floor.json API too. The technical implementation of the map data does not always consistently reflect the logical in-game understanding of the map.
Thanks for the response Cliff, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how to display WPs in WvW or PvP. ;( They just refuse to show. I’m sure it’s something I’m doing as I make a call to test and the names come up correctly. Oh well, a bit more delving to do…
Why not have a look at existing code? I don’t know what language you’re coding in, but a Javascript example might serve for an idea:
Thanks, I’ll take a look at that as it’s JS I’m using. I’ve been working from the basic example that Cliff linked us.