
My apologies if this has been posted before; tried forum search but didn’t find anything.

I had been wondering why there hasn’t been a service for item search that could facilitate searching of items via text. What I meant is to be able to make use of a service like “/v2/items/search” and pass in search params like “?term=berserk” which will return list of matched items.

Is there a performance issue associated to it or too difficult to implement?

Also, for any service that return a list, would it be useful to also implement paging and pagesize parameters?

Just a thought.

Lawton Campbell.8517:

The API backend doesn’t talk to a relational database — it talks to a backend server which basically serializes bits of the .dat file to XML/JSON. The canonical approach is to dump the data into a relational format and feed it to a fulltext index; the nature of our backend architecture currently makes this fairly difficult technically.

I think there are some third-party services which provide such an API, though I can’t recall which ones.




Ah, I see the issue now.

Thanks for clarifying! =)