Temple events
Which events do you check to determine whether a temple is open? I can see a few possibilities for Balthazar (for example):
{"id":“D35D7F3B-0A9B-41C6-BD87-7D7A0953F789”,“name”:“Use the Pact weapons to kill the Risen giant guarding the area near the temple of Balthazar.”}
{"id":“29DA1A21-887F-49F4-9999-DCB1FC9A35AA”,“name”:“Kill the veteran Risen Acolyte of Balthazar.”}
{"id":“D0E0A04C-A669-40F4-9606-E8877CE3ED32”,“name”:“Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena.”}
Should you check all of them?
You want the events at http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_of_Balthazar under “The Assault on the Temple of Balthazar” and “Defending the Temple of Balthazar”.
You need to check both the assault and defend events.
The events you listed aren’t related. The third one actually takes place in Cursed Shore.
Thanks. It might be a nice addition to the API to be able to request this information directly. I also found this older thread that has some info, in case anyone else is researching this: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/community/api/How-to-test-if-a-temple-is-open