
I present to you the Torrenal’s Guild Wars 2 Crafting Gadget.

It interfaces with the GuildWars 2 API, keeping recipes and items up to date, and loading new recipes as they become available.
It contains Mystic Forge Recipes
It interfaces with the Trading Post (requires game credentials) downloading current prices for items, and allowing you to determine important things, including:

  • The most profitable items to craft by Gold earned/unit
  • The cheapest things to craft for gaining crafting experience
  • The most profitable items to craft by % profit
  • The most profitable items to craft by Skill point/karma spent.
  • Items you can craft and sell to the highest buyer for the most profit.

It allows you to weight currencies (such as Karma, Coin and Fractal Relics) to help it decide how to best build items with complex multi-step recipes, and whether to buy intermediate ingredients from the trading post. The table columns are configurable – the screenshots here do not show all columns.

It also knows currency conversions: Yes, act now and you too can have your own Eternity for a meager price of $1469.88 (via the Gem store to acquire the necessary gold…), or your own omega siege golem for $0.34 and 3 skill points. Trading Post prices and Gem exchange rates subject to change without notice.

This is built as a Java application, allowing it to run on any platform that is capable of running Guild Wars.
It does use the unofficial Trading Post API to retrieve prices, but I patiently await the release of OAuth which should allow me a more…convenient path to pricing data.

The gadget is available at http://gw2gadget.com

Brought to you by the author of the Torrenal’s Stella Deus Fusion Calculator.