UI suggestion Favorite WP, Hero panel
ola, vou sugerir aqui estas modificaçoes no painel heroi (ter que ficar voltando para um menu anterior é chato)e a adiçao de uma aba de favoritos no painel do mapa. Assim cada jogador poderia colocar os pontos que ele mais usa, facilitando a locomoçao no jogo.
hello, here I will suggest these modifications in hero panel (have to keep going back to a previous menu is boring) and the addition of a favorites tab in the map pane. Thus each player could put more points he uses, facilitating locomotion in the game.
Good suggestion, but unfortunatly I don’t think someone will read it on this forum…
During beta weekends I’ve suggested a similar TAB organization for Crafting UI, because it’s a pain to scroll the complete list of items..