What is the current API for event timers?
I used to use a program overwolf (I think it’s called) and an API which gave an overlay for GW2 and showed me event and boss timers in-game without having to tab out or look at my phone.
Does this still exist, and is updated? What are people using now? Rather post here than the dead API forum for a reply
Inculpatus cedo.9234:
You can use the Wiki to peruse the list of API apps, or the Stickies in the API forum. Google may result in some options, as well.
Good luck.
I got GW2 Timers on my phone and I also just started using GW2PAO
Lawton Campbell.8517:
Other than the world bosses which are on a set schedule, there hasn’t been a way to get the event statuses from the API since megaservers were launched (since there’s no way to tell which instance you’re on, and they all have separate state).
You might be able to find the specific app you’re taking about in the list on the wiki or in the Overwolf catalog.
I believe megaservers were launched when I used this, because the world bosses were on the set timer at the time I used the app.
The overwolf catalog is exactly what I needed though thanks Lawton
Other than the world bosses which are on a set schedule, there hasn’t been a way to get the event statuses from the API since megaservers were launched (since there’s no way to tell which instance you’re on, and they all have separate state).
You might be able to find the specific app you’re taking about in the list on the wiki or in the Overwolf catalog.
Lawton, we can find what overflow we’re on by typing /ip. If that IP could be used for something… not sure if you’d like to go through such effort, but yeah, there’s a way to find the overflow which is accessible to players. Sorry if it has nothing to do with megaservers, just thought I’d mention it.
Honest John.4673:
Other than the world bosses which are on a set schedule, there hasn’t been a way to get the event statuses from the API since megaservers were launched (since there’s no way to tell which instance you’re on, and they all have separate state).
You might be able to find the specific app you’re taking about in the list on the wiki or in the Overwolf catalog.
Lawton, we can find what overflow we’re on by typing /ip. If that IP could be used for something… not sure if you’d like to go through such effort, but yeah, there’s a way to find the overflow which is accessible to players. Sorry if it has nothing to do with megaservers, just thought I’d mention it.
I don’t think that would work. For instance, I can type /ip in Auric Basin, join on someone else in a different map and type /ip again and it’s the same ip address.
Lawton Campbell.8517:
I think the Mumble Link data has a unique id in the “shard” field which could theoretically be used — that’d be more accurate than /ip (which is not necessarily unique).
But anyway, the event state bits probably aren’t ever coming back :<
I think the Mumble Link data has a unique id in the “shard” field which could theoretically be used — that’d be more accurate than /ip (which is not necessarily unique).
But anyway, the event state bits probably aren’t ever coming back :<
No problem! Thanks for being transparent and awesome!