World Boss Timer Overlay in Rainmeter
Sol Solus.3167:
A Rainmeter skin styled to blend in with the game interface, transparent until moused over.
Why Rainmeter?
Rainmeter is a lightweight, customizable widget platform. Rainmeter skins are easily modified scripts, and their .rmskin installers can be opened as zip archives, making them more trustworthy than executables.
- One-click waypoint link copy with boss name and countdown
- Countdown and local time
- Mini mode with next standard and hardcore bosses, with countdowns on mouseover
- Normal mode with current and next standard bosses, and next hardcore boss
- Long mode with infinite scrolling
- 4 size settings corresponding to GW2 interface sizes
- Mark events as done
- Automatically reset done status at daily reset
- Activate audio alerts for events
- GW2’s display resolution must be set to “Windowed Fullscreen” or “Window”.
- Left-click to copy waypoint link to clipboard.
- Middle-click to toggle event done status.
- Double-click to toggle audio alert for event.
- Use controls on bottom bar to change mode/size.
- Changed font to match GW2’s typography.
- Minor aesthetics: aligned T+ times with T- times.
- Refocus GW2 on interaction.
- Autoset self to topmost when GW2 is running.
- Removed topmost toggle button.
- Added a button to toggle topmost position.
- Fixed mini/normal mode displaying incorrect hardcore countdown just before daily reset.
- Updated boss rotation for June 17th patch.
- Mini mode now shows next standard and hardcore bosses.
- Normal mode now shows current and next standard bosses, and next hardcore boss.
- Long mode shows standard and hardcore bosses together, arranged by time.
- Long mode now scrolls 2 lines per step.
- Scrolling now supports arbitrary step sizes.
- No longer sets self to topmost on refresh.
- Fixed mini mode not showing next boss if switching from long mode after scrolling.
- Added date check to reset done status in cases that skin was not active at daily reset.
- Default position on refresh is now topmost instead of stay topmost.
- Fixed mini mode boss name not updating, broken in previous update.
- Fixed alert/done erasing that could corrupt storage of those values.
- Added a “+” next to T+ times.
- Normal mode now shows current and next 2 bosses.
- Fixed rare possible incorrect sign on copied countdowns.
- Fixed a Lua stack overflow.
Very good, thank you for sharing it!
I have a little problem, I use your overlay in my second monitor, and I don’t want that it stay always on top of other windows. I can set the position to normal and it works (don’t stay on top), but when I restart windows, the overlay is again on top of every other window. Is there a way to permanently set to normal? I’ve tried to change the rainmeter.ini from alwaysontop=1 to alwaysontop=0 but it change somehow back to 1 on unmount/mont the skin…
Sol Solus.3167:
Ah, sorry, this was deliberate to require one less step for user setup. Change this line:
In GW2WBT.ini:
OnRefreshAction=!ZPos 1 <-- erase line so you can use your own setting
Thank you very much, it worked!
Update this overlay ini pls
Sol Solus.3167:
It’s been updated!
Awesome thank you.