Sol Solus.3167:

A WvW map in Rainmeter that can be used as a transparent overlay or blown up for a secondary display.

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  • Scale from postage stamp size to 4K
  • Display any one or all maps
  • Minimize to scoreboard
  • Righteous Indignation and siege decay timers
  • RI tracked regardless of displayed map
  • Tooltips with guild names
  • Update every 5 seconds
  • Pause updates after 30 minutes idle
  • Autoset self to topmost when GW2 is running
  • High-res maps and objective icons


  • GW2’s display resolution must be set to “Windowed Fullscreen” or “Window”.
  • Scroll to zoom.
  • Click scores for map select menu.
  • Double-click scores to toggle minimize.
  • Click objectives to copy waypoints/points of interest and RI times.
  • Middle-click objectives to set siege decay timers.
  • Access world select in right-click menu.
  • After weekly WvW reset, right-click menu -> “Refresh skin” to retrieve the new match up.


- Fixed to accommodate changes in API formatting.

- Fixed map selection menu behavior on toggling minimize.

- Fixed and future proofed API parsing.

- Copy objective waypoint only if owned, otherwise copy PoI.

- Added RI timer copy to clipboard.
- Optimized scaling performance.

- Refocus GW2 on interaction.

- Fixed ownership errors while bloodlust unclaimed.


Hi thanx a lot for this overlay.

I use your other overlay for PvE already, and used yours for WvW since you released it (i love the fact you can see all 4 maps and resize/zoom it on the fly).

Now a few things :
- could you “trim” the deadspace between maps ? I know it’s because you use the same image than the ingame map, but it waste some space on screen, and it’s a bit problematic when you display all 4

- could you do “variations” of the overlay where it grows (or reduce) differently than now ?
Now it’s always starting from top left and growing towards bottom right. I put it on the right side of y screen, meaning zoning it out grow it out of the screen, and zooming it in reduce it towards the middle of the screen instead of keeping it “docked” on the right side of the screen.
Nothing major, but would be nice to see a change.

- Now, another thing i think you’ve got a major problem somewhere in your code with how you get objectives names/positions.

First week it worked flawlessly, it was accurate, but since reset everything is “off”. Took me a bit of time but i got it, the timers are “right” … but not displayed in the right place.

I’m on RoS so this week it’s RoS/Bt/FoW (last week it was RoS/Fow/Bt), and it’s shuffled :

Right now in home bl we have timers on faithleap and waterlowalands camps (ours and bt’s owned), your overlay show the timers on Sunnyhill and Foghaven respectively, but with the longer timer on the bt owned Foghaven instead when the higher timer should be on a RoS owned camp south.

I restarted the overlay multiple times, i resintalled it, it doesn’t change a thing, and since the timers are good i think the problem is elsewhere (ie : who cap what objective at what time, and the name of objectives).

I hope you can fix it quickly, i liked your overlay.

Sol Solus.3167:

Unclaimed bloodlust buffs were offsetting ownerships. It’s now fixed, thanks for the report.

You should never have to restart anything except after weekly reset, just right-click → “Refresh skin” to retrieve the new match up.


Thanx a lot for the quick fix (just in time for me starting WvW tonightxD).

Will play with it a bit and will come back to you with ideas and such if i find anything else.


Have to say, I’m in love with this plug-in. By far the best overlay I’ve seen to date. It’s incredibly user-friendly, the timers are accurate, and being able to adjust the size/transparency makes it a lot easier to fit on your screen.

Haven’t noticed any issues so far, after using it for a few days. You did such a good job on this.

Edit: The timer is slightly off, after keeping a close eye on it today. It’s behind by ~5 seconds. Really not that important, but might be something to tweak if possible. Not sure if most timers are off by a few seconds or not.

Sol Solus.3167:

All timers have a margin of error relative to their update rate, i.e. this one updates every 5 seconds by default, so its margin of error is -5 seconds (an objective could have flipped anywhere between just after the previous update and this update).

However, you can very easily make the margin of error whatever you want, at the expense of ArenaNet’s bandwidth.

In GW2WvW.ini:



All timers have a margin of error relative to their update rate, i.e. this one updates every 5 seconds by default, so its margin of error is -5 seconds (an objective could have flipped anywhere between just after the previous update and this update).

However, you can very easily make the margin of error whatever you want, at the expense of ArenaNet’s bandwidth.

In GW2WvW.ini:


Ooh gotcha. I was wondering if it was something that all timer apps had to deal with. Nice to know. It’s not really a big deal in the end, though. 5s isn’t going to make or break a choice to head to a certain camp or tower. ;P

In any case, this plug-in is absolutely incredible. There’s so many things I like about it. I’ll be recommending it to my guildmates. :)