WvW Kills and deaths
Someone brought up and interesting point on the WvW forum.
Does killing an NPC count towards the kill total in the API?
I suspect that deaths in the API include non-player kill deaths as the total deaths tend to be larger than the total kills.
Lawton Campbell.8517:
Looking over the server logic for when an entity dies, it’s roughly like this:
1. If the entity being killed was an NPC, stop.
2. Increment deaths for the killed entity’s team.
3. If the last hit on the killed entity was by an NPC, stop.
4. Increment kills for the last team to hit.
(okay, for a second I thought the problem was “kills are higher than deaths” which really threw me for a loop — that shouldn’t be possible).
Deaths are higher than kills likely caused when someone is killed by an NPC affiliated with a team (e.g., failed to solo a camp or ate SM lord’s meteor during a brawl), it’ll count as a death (since the NPC is team-affiliated) but not as a kill (since the last-hitter is not a player).
A player killing an NPC (team-affiliated or otherwise) definitely does not increment the deaths counter.
Thanks for the quick response.