WvW Score UI
I haven’t seen (m)any examples of WvW implementations about the forum yet; a lot of event based solutions (maybe I’m not looking hard enough).
Anyway, I originally posted this in my PHP API wrapper thread, but since PHP doesn’t get much love across the wider developer community I didn’t think the thread would either, so I’m posting it here too:
More of a play about with the API and to demonstrate the API wrapper than anything else, but I’ll take any suggestions on board.
I basically tried to mimic the in-game interface (no potential points on there yet) but would like to add some more functionality soon, including XHR updates so you don’t need to refresh the page.
EDIT: Scores now update without need for page refresh
Dark Dante.6970:
Great use of the API. I see a lot of potential for a tool like this, keep up the good work!
Ok, hows that: https://chillerlan.net/gw2/wvw.html (still WIP)