
I’m working on updating the WvWvW since the V2 JSON format. After working and testing my code I founded an anomaly.

For the US matchup we have:

id: "1-2",
start_time: "2015-10-25T01:00:00Z",
end_time: "2015-11-01T01:00:00Z",
scores: {
red: 121057,
blue: 149267,
green: 170591
worlds: {
red: 1016,
blue: 1017,
green: 1009
deaths: {
red: 9762,
blue: 11688,
green: 14069
kills: {
red: 7990,
blue: 12063,
green: 11286
maps: []

For the UE Ladder:

id: "2-3",
start_time: "2015-10-24T18:00:00Z",
end_time: "2015-10-31T18:00:00Z",
scores: {
red: 202731,
blue: 132329,
green: 133615
worlds: {
red: 2301,
blue: 2012,
green: 2101
maps: []

Is this normal that we don’t have deaths / kills UE JSON match details?
Nothing in the wiki.

Another point:

In the WvWvW/Objectives there is a description wich mentionned that:

*coord (array) – An array of two numbers representing the X and Y coordinates of the objectives marker on the map.
*label_coord (array) – An array of two numbers representing the X and Y coordinates of the sector centro

When i send a web request i have not thoose informations.



EU matchups not showing kills and deaths is a known bug at the moment. As for the coordinates, they show up fine for me. What URL are you requesting?


hi Eearslya.6309,

and thanks for yours ligths.

I use thoose URL:

But I’m asking something to myself because when i get the result, i obtain that

id: "95-48",
name: "Saut de la Foi",
sector_id: 1010,
type: "Camp",
map_type: "GreenHome",
map_id: 95

As you can see, there is something which determine the country from the web request. I do not set any parameters and the response give me the answer in french.

If you are using same URL type maybe the difference can come from the country request which filter the result.
In this case is there a way to set a parameter lang like for others JSON or a way to bypass this default settings.


Lawton Campbell.8517:

coord/label_coord/sector_id may not be present on all objectives. That’s just how it is in content, more-or-less. It’s kind of weird to have a sector_id without a label_coord; not sure what’s going on there.

The language used first looks at the ?lang parameter, then at the Accept-Language header, then defaults to english. I presume your browser is sending an Accept-Language header and requesting french resources. To bypass this, send ?lang=en in your query parameters.


Thanks for your reply Lawton,

I have try the lang=en and it work.

For the coord/label_coord/sector_id some of objectives have and some haven’t.

So If I resume:
-URL of objective don’t show Coord for all objective.
-Death/Kills aren’t present on EU match.
-The wiki doesn’t mention the language parameter for the objective URL. But the settings work.

I hope you can solve the Death/Kill for UE.



-The wiki doesn’t mention the language parameter for the objective URL. But the settings work.

Sure it does, right at the top!

lang (string, optional) – Request localized responses.

It is worded a little strange, but that’s what that parameter is used for.

Lawton Campbell.8517:

For the coord/label_coord/sector_id some of objectives have and some haven’t.

This is a known issue and intractable — some of the objectives (all of the alpine BL ones) are no longer associated with a sector or event and thus have no coordinates.

-Death/Kills aren’t present on EU match.

This is something I’m looking to get fixed in the future; I’m not really sure why those messages aren’t being propagated between DCs. Not sure when I’ll have it fixed though.

Arcan Soulstorm.4356:

-Death/Kills aren’t present on EU match.

This is something I’m looking to get fixed in the future; I’m not really sure why those messages aren’t being propagated between DCs. Not sure when I’ll have it fixed though.

With PPK coming back in the not-that-far future ( it would be nice to have that fixed and ready until the release of the hinted update.

Lawton Campbell.8517:

-Death/Kills aren’t present on EU match.

This is something I’m looking to get fixed in the future; I’m not really sure why those messages aren’t being propagated between DCs. Not sure when I’ll have it fixed though.

With PPK coming back in the not-that-far future ( it would be nice to have that fixed and ready until the release of the hinted update.

Will definitely have it fixed before the WvW changes land, but not before mid-January I think.

Arcan Soulstorm.4356:

-Death/Kills aren’t present on EU match.

This is something I’m looking to get fixed in the future; I’m not really sure why those messages aren’t being propagated between DCs. Not sure when I’ll have it fixed though.

With PPK coming back in the not-that-far future ( it would be nice to have that fixed and ready until the release of the hinted update.

Will definitely have it fixed before the WvW changes land, but not before mid-January I think.

End-ish January, PPK has already arrived. Have a reminder

€: Kills have appeared for EU ( but seem quite buggy, even for NA, (also apparent at


PPK is here and the EU kills API changes numbers every 30 seconds, is this intended?

Lawton Campbell.8517:

PPK is here and the EU kills API changes numbers every 30 seconds, is this intended?

Your question isn’t very specific, so I’m guessing you mean “should it not be updated realtime”?

The PPK data (and deaths, for that matter) are sent periodically from the game servers via a best-effort transport to any other servers interested in the data (one of them being an API backend server). Since it’s best-effort, some data might get dropped or delayed (not sure how frequently this happens). Because of this, there’s going to be some reporting latency. Due to our network architecture, it’s not something that can be worked around.

EDIT: Well, it looks like there’s a bug or two with the PPK numbers. tracking issue.