XML Output
Just a suggestion, if it’s not already there. Give us an option to get output as XML. It would make development a great deal easier than having to parse the current output. Perhaps a flag “?xml=yes” in the calls? If this is already a viable option I apologize, I did not see it in the wiki.
Stefan Larimore.6872:
Ya, offering different data formats is on our list, but rather low priority at the moment. We’ll be sticking with JSON as our primary data format for the foreseeable future. Thanks!
What sort of data are you looking for? I may already have it available if you don’t mind a middleman.
Ya, offering different data formats is on our list, but rather low priority at the moment. We’ll be sticking with JSON as our primary data format for the foreseeable future. Thanks!
Understandable. Glad to know it’s at least on the list! ^.^
What sort of data are you looking for? I may already have it available if you don’t mind a middleman.
Haven’t started any development yet, so I don’t have a specific list of needs. I was just expressing a desire to see the data retrievable in an XML tree, as I’m more adapted at XML data manipulation.
Killer Rhino.6794:
I was just expressing a desire to see the data retrievable in an XML tree, as I’m more adapted at XML data manipulation.
Is there a particular language you’re using? The list of API wrappers has numerous projects in various languages that might be able to help you jump start past any unfamiliarity you have with JSON.
Not to speak of the overhead XML has compared to JSON.
IBM invented something for those who prefer XML: https://twitter.com/DanHarper7/status/514822464673951744
(no comment)
That looks pretty bad for an IBM product. I mean, “name” attributes to represent the name of the tag? Really?
It would have made more sense if they did this instead:
<Ticker json:type="string">IBM</Ticker>
Maybe I should work for IBM.
I don’t even…
What? Sure it’s a lot more ugly and verbose than “Ticker”:“IBM”, but if you want to go with XML then you have to go all the way man.
V2, now featuring maximum code reuse (by reusing the existing XSI namespace):
<Ticker xsi:type="json:string">IBM</Ticker>
Pat Cavit.9234:
Given the recent changes to the structure of the APIs we’re unlikely to offer XML going forward. It’s just not easy to do and I’m having a hard time finding any environment that can’t consume JSON.