
So, I could be wrong in something on my end, but i’m finding that the id’s im getting from /achievements/daily don’t match up with what i’m seeing in game. (except for one which is frozen maw.) Is this a known issue?

p.s. Im on US, so the EU bug shouldn’t apply.

update: actually, the /daily endpoint doesn’t seem to return anything related to HoT.


Yep, this is known: #120. It seems like it is always returning the dailies for the next day.

Lawton Campbell.8517:

I should have this sorted out by the end of the week. Sorry about the delay! :<


Being able to see tomorrow’s dailies should be considered a feature, not a bug. Will the daily endpoint allow us to have increments like say /achievements/daily/0 for today’s dailies, and /achievements/daily/1 for tomorrow’s dailies, /achievements/daily/2 for the day after tomorrow and so on?


Being able to see tomorrow’s dailies should be considered a feature, not a bug. Will the daily endpoint allow us to have increments like say /achievements/daily/0 for today’s dailies, and /achievements/daily/1 for tomorrow’s dailies, /achievements/daily/2 for the day after tomorrow and so on?

See the github issue #120 for discussion about possible endpoints returning future dailies.