
So, I’ve slowing been moving a lot of my data storage off to another server and moving towards retrieving the data remotely.

Everything seems to be working great so I wanted to release my first installment of my API


Is the first API I have released. More information on it can be seen at http://gw2stats.net/status/api

The data contained within the returned json is anywhere from 1 second to 8 seconds old but it is the latest cached data I have.

Let me know what you think. Good, bad, something you’d like to add?


Not sure if you are aware but you’re “&ratings=true” is not working correctly. When you click the link it changes the “&” to “&” which is expected in a non formatted link. Perhaps you need to check it… (are you using [ pre ] and [ /pre ] tags?)


Not sure if you are aware but you’re “&ratings=true” is not working correctly. When you click the link it changes the “&” to “&” which is expected in a non formatted link. Perhaps you need to check it… (are you using [ pre ] and [ /pre ] tags?)

Thats a bug of this forum i’ve already reported over here:
Just select/copy/paste the link and you’re fine – it also saves you a redirect to the… redirect page


Fixed a bug where numbers were being cast as strings. I know a couple people are using it already, please adjust accordingly.