
Hey Lawton,

i’ve seen that there is a new value returning in the /pvp/stats-api: pvp_rank_points. I was playing a little bit around and wanted to try out, if i can calculate the “real” rank between first hitting rank 80 and “now”. But the pvp_rank_points value just moves between 1091500 (Rank 79) and 1111500 (Rank 80, +- a small amount of points). Seems that the game just “resets” the rank-points to 1091500 (completed Rank79) when you complete Rank80.

As a result of this, there is no possibility to calculate the “real” rank (aka: how much times i’ve completed rank 80) or is there another field in your internal data counting how often a person completet rank80? Would love to see that value in the api-result.

Happy Holidays

Lawton Campbell.8517:

Huh, I totally thought that we didn’t track this at all (and that behavior sounds like a bug to me), but just read through the game server’s logic for handling rank points and it totally does track the number of times the rank rolls over. Made a tracking issue on Github for this; thanks for the suggestion!


Thank you!


Can we see our rollover count yet? Maybe there’s something like that for kills passed the slayer achievement? I really want one of the two XD


Last time i’ve checked the APIs, there was not such a rollover counter yet. I think we will see this not before the end of the actual season (26. January). Hopefully we will see some small changes after this date… fingers crossed

Lawton Campbell.8517:

Just deployed it! It needed some backend support that just landed with this release


yiha! I will get a closer Look later this day and implement it