I’ve been trying to fiddle around with some information with the API but have come into a problem where it seems not all crafting materials are listed. I believe I understand https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/materials shows all categories; however there seems to be an absence of exotic crafting materials. As such items like Mirror seem to not be classified as crafting materials by the API.
Is there a detail I am simply missing (I wouldn’t put it past em at all), or is this something missing/yet to be implemented?
Thanks for any insight or answers.
Lawton Campbell.8517:
/v2/materials only shows crafting materials that can be stored in the account’s material storage (the contents of which is available via /v2/account/materials). To get a list of all “CraftingMaterial”-type items, you need to enumerate /v2/items.
Ah alright, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification! Although not giving the answer I wanted it does explain and offer a few others.
So this means we just need to put all scribing stuff in here for it to work… it’s that simple.. right?